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Our history

Airdrie Pro Rodeo’s roots date back to July 1, 1967 when the Airdrie’s Lions Club organized a gymkhana and parade in celebration of Canada’s 100th anniversary.  In fact the first Canada Day parade was also part of the celebration in 1967 and was organized by the Rodeo committee for many years. 50 years later we are still celebrating our nation's anniversary and our city’s history in the same spirit.

Today the Rodeo includes a Pro and novice Rodeo, cabaret and children's activities.  It attracts over 10,000 visitors, volunteers, and athletes each year.  As the event has grown, we have preserved the spirit of a community gathering, with a casual fun atmosphere where you can get so close to the action you often get a bit dirt of flying your way and with something for people of all ages and backgrounds.

This annual event is organized by the Airdrie Rodeo Ranch Association, a not-for-profit, 100% volunteer driven group of passionate community members who are committed to preserving our rural roots and promoting our great community.

Photo credit from left to right: Kaycee Ann Wedding Photography, Alessa Kuczewski, Jesse Picken Photography, Jennifer Wile

Contact Us

Site Address

Airdrie Pro Rodeo,

271244 Range Rd 20

Rockyview County, AB

Rodeo Office


Mailing Address

Airdrie Rodeo Ranch Association
Suite 506
203 - 304 Main Street Square
Airdrie, Alberta  T4B 3C3

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The Airdrie Pro Rodeo is located North of Calgary and West of Airdrie. North on QE#2 (Deerfoot) to Airdrie then West on Highway #567 (Veterans Blvd) - 10kms (5.5miles). You will see the rodeo signage on the south side of the highway. ​

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